Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Put to the Test!

I'm going to take this opportunity to say to our readers that Yedidah does not host this web site or http://www.laydownlife.net/. She is a personal friend of mine in which I find her writings informative and inspired.

I have received several emails concerning the accuracy and validity of her information. And others just simply disagreeing with her beliefs. On the other hand, I have received many more letters thanking her for her writings and praising the Father for inspiring her to write.

We should always put every matter posed to the test. It is healthy spiritually to always question what we read, listen to and receive. We should never receive anything without a second witness and having not matched it up to the Father's word.

It is never healthy to rebuke someone in anger or for the sake of correcting someone when we, ourselves, are in the wrong spirit. It is also unhealthy to just simply receive anyone's writings as factual and thinking that it is of the Father. Again, put to the test and wait for the Father's answer to speak to you.

Please watch out for those who have a "controlling" spirit. We all need to be personally responsible for ourselves. Clues to someone possibly having a controlling spirit are those who:

1. Say they only want to protect the flock.
2. Tries to speak for the flock.
3. Rebukes another in anger.
4. Has difficulty in showing forgiveness.
5. Lacks humility.
6. Becomes protective of a flock in an unhealthy manner.
7. I hate to say this, but one who receives tithes and offerings is often suspect to protecting that income and not looking to the Father to provide.
8. One who generally does not administer Mt. 18:15 in going to a brother.
9. One who has difficulty in allowing the flock make decisions for itself, rather than the individual making decisions for the flock.
10. One who proves himself unworthy of not leaving the 99 to go after the lost sheep.

If you have any comments or recommendations, please share.



  1. I find Yedidah's writings insightful and informative, and her experiences remarkable. However, I have found several errors in her teachings, and when I have brought such errors to her attention, she has not responded in a humble matter, but instead has refused to address them. I was actually quite taken aback this. Her responses did not seem to be coming from the lover of truth she portrays herself as, but from an emotional child. The bottom line is, the Bible is crystal clear about the proper roles of men and women in the ekklesia. Paul clearly states, under inspiration of God, that anyone who does not recognize our saviors commands regarding the role of women in His church is not to be recognized themselves.

  2. I love Yedidah's writings and I just want to say thank you to Yedidah. THANK YOU YEDIDAH! I have been reading your articles for the past week and sharing them with my friends. I didn't even know you are a woman. And to me it doesn't matter. I thank God for Yedidah.

    Since when would God put color or sex in the way of the Holy Spirit. And "wisdom" is called a "her" all throughout scripture.

    As far as women's role in the church, Lee has it a little wrong. Paul did not say that was a command, he said it was HIS opinion. Just like he gave his opinion about men not wearing long hair, and about women needing to cover their heads because of the fallen angels.

    The bible has many references to women prophets.

    Also, when Jesus made that triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the foal of an ass, Jesus Himself said if the people did not cry out - the very stones would.

    Point is, God has called many men to do His work, and obviously many men are saying no, and because our Creator waits for no man, he calls others to do the work. Whether they be men or women.

    And when the bulk of American men dangerously preach in public about a secret rapture and all kinds of other non-scriptural doctrines, God calls others, women or men. Truth be told, if the others said no, he'd call an animal, just like Balam's donkey.

    Please folks, do not grab scriptures and twist what Paul said to make your point that is based on mans's traditions rather than God's Word.

    I've studied many, many works of men, and in even the good and learned men, they always have something wrong. Every one of them. And most of them have a humongous ego that fights their work all the way through as well, which actually makes it kind of void.

    Until men stand up, rise up, and be men of God, it will be up to others to do it for them. God waits for no man.

  3. Yedidah,
    I have been reading you article Daniel 8 - The seals are off. I agree with your observations re: GWI and GWII and with alot of what you say in this article... However, it was written back in 2003 and revised in 2006. You specifically mention 2007 as being the big kick off but not yet... There is no doubt of the times we are in.. This is not a criticism, I am interested in whether you have revisions on what you wrote then and what Father has been showing you... I also believe 2015 and 2012 key as you said in other articles... Can you point me to some of your other articles if the questions are answered there. I know that all questions are answered in Father's word, but the watchmen sees first and then calls the warning..

    No Doubt

  4. I have been reading Yedidah's articles here on laydownlife for several years now. I found her writings quite by "accident". At first, in my ignorance, I dismissed them as some kind of science fiction. (Was amazed to see so much of it come true over the years) However, I kept being drawn back to read them and kept sensing Truth. What attracted me the most was not the information on the workings of the NWO but the life style that Yedidah lives. I felt the Holy Spirit was calling me to "come out from among them and touch not the unclean". I admit that it has been a long, hard and ongoing process but I really admire the fact that Yedidah lives her faith and has come out of the world system completely dependent upon Father. I believe He is calling all of His to come out from where we are...maybe not to exactly where she is but where He has for us to go and to be. SO, I thank you for being faithful and sharing what Father has given you Yedidah. Please keep it coming. TLC in Texas
